Staying off-site
For those staying off-site, we recommend booking accommodations in the nearby town of Los Gatos, where we will have a shuttle service available to take guests to and from the land for the Friday and Saturday events.
Hotel Los Gatos
The shuttles pick up and drop off here. We have a small block of rooms reserved here, available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Scheduling: Link
Group Code: 2210CAREYT
The Los Gatos Garden Inn
(408) 335-1700
A four minute walk to the shuttle pickup and drop-off location at the Hotel Los Gatos.
Toll House Hotel Los Gatos
140 S Santa Cruz Ave, Los Gatos
(800) 238-6111
An eleven minute walk to the shuttle pickup and drop-off location at the Hotel Los Gatos.
Please note that guests who are staying off-site will not be able to park on the land. For shuttle times, please see the schedule.